Prosper Loan Data Exploration

Using Python, I performed a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis on Prosper loan data with 81 variables to discover the features that affect borrowers' interest rates and loan status outcomes by creating univariate, bivariate and multivariate explorations. I also used Python to design a slide presentation with explanatory plots that convey my findings.

WeRateDogs Twitter Data Analysis

In addition to the given WeRateDog (@dog_rates) archive data, I queried Twitter API using Python's Tweepy library to gather additional data. I wrangled the WeRateDogs data to create my analyses and visualizations.

Sales Data Exploration with SQL

I analyzed a fictional US Regional Sales Data that contains six (6) tables; customer, location, product, region, sales order, and sales team. I used SQL, MySQL workbench, Joins, subqueries and stored procedures to answer thirteen (13) business questions on the best-performing sales teams, the profitable products and the most valuable customers.

TMDb Movies Data Analysis

An "Investigate a dataset" project from Udacity Data Analysis Nanodegree. Using Python, I performed extensive Data Wrangling and Exploratory Data Analysis on 10,866 movies in the data to understand the different features and the features that drive revenue.

Google Capstone Project with R

I analyzed twelve (12) months of trip data set, with over five (5) million rows in total, to better understand how casual riders and members differ and gave recommendations based on my findings. I used the tidyverse packages and functions like rbind, filter, mutate, select, summarize, arrange, and group by to perform the analysis.

Data Cleaning with SQL

I cleaned Nashville Housing Data with over 50,000 rows. I performed the following cleanings: filled in missing data, fixed incorrect data types, split columns and deleted invalid data using SQL and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to increase the quality of the data for analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis with SQL

Using SQL, I recreated a project done by a popular YouTube channel with Excel. I explored the game data by answering 15 business questions using SQL and MySQL workbench.

Udacity Data Analysis Nanodegree Certification

This course helped me develop my ability to use Python to work with messy, complex datasets. I learnt how to manipulate and prepare data for analysis and to create visualizations for data exploration. I also learnt how to use my data skills to tell a story with data.

Google Data Analytics Certification

I completed extensive three months of job-ready Google Professional Data Analytics certificate training. I worked with spreadsheets, SQL, and R to organize and transform data.

Data Visualizations with Microsoft Power BI and Excel

Using Power BI and Excel, I distilled large and complex data into simple and concise dashboards/ visualizations. See some of my visualization projects below: